Reproductive Tonic


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Raising the calling for womb healing. For every single ailment, there lies a cure. Womb tea for cervical cancer ailment relief and prevention. Using wild crafted, organic herbs.

Cervical cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer found in women. This dis-ease and imbalance develps when normal cells on the surface of the cervical begin to grow uncontrollably, eventually forming a mass of cells called a tumor. Giving thanks to Mother Nature and Ayurvedic medicines we hold the power to heal, restore, and take necessary action for prevention of such ailments. This is a wonderful blend to keep imbalances such as cervical cancer and fibroids at bay.

Medicines used:

Turmeric (curcumin): inflammation control, enhances anti-tumor properties.

Astragalus root: most commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Enhances immune function, increases natural killer cells, cancer fighting.

Tulsi (Holy Basil): rich in ursolic acid, alleviates chronic inflammation.

Red clover: powerful womb cleanser, blood purifier, assists in fertility.

Sarsaparilla: blood purifier, anti-cancer properties.

Oregano leaf: anti-inflammatory, rich in antioxidants.

Green tea: boosts immune, regulates t-cells, helps to prevent hpv.

Anti-inflammatory, chronic pain relief, reproductive, and menstrual support womb blend for tea. 6 oz.